Those specks of dust I Tanz im August 2016 I 8 pm , HAU 1, Berlin
Concept/Choreography/Sound: Kat Válastur
7 Dialogues I Regie/Komposition: Matteo Fargion
Monthly Archives: June 2016
Premiere: Those specks of dust
Premiere: Those specks of dust / Tanz im August 2016 / 8 pm, HAU 1, Berlin
Concept/Choreography/Sound: Kat Válastur
7 Dialogues, Artistic Direction/Composition: Matteo Fargion
Talk “DANCE ON?!” at Tanzkongress, 10 – 11 am,
with Riccarda Herre, Madeline Ritter, Brit Rodemund, Patrick Rump, Jone San Martin,
Oper, Great Ballet Room, Opernplatz 1, Hannover
Water between three hands – Premiere
Premiere: Water between three hands
2. Production I Concept / Direction: Rabih Mroué
Kampnagel Hamburg I K2
Water between three hands
Further performance: Water between three hands
2. Production I Concept / Director: Rabih Mroué
Kampnagel Hamburg I K2
TANZGALA at Theater Osnabrück / 7:30 pm
Solo – Ty Boomershine in artistic collaboration with Beth Gill
1. Production I Artistic Direction/Composition: Matteo Fargion